Ordering process:

Please order by email with a message including the information listed below (1 to 5) to the following address under the subject name of the message, CSTG.


1. Your name. Please fully capitalize your family name, for example, "John PETERS".

2. Your address. Please add the company/organization name and your section/function, if it is your business address.

3. Telephone number.

4. Your preference of meeting date(s). Earlier than one month after your order may be difficult to be arranged. When you don't have any particularly preferring date after one month, please write simply 'Any time'. An available date will be proposed in our returm mail.

5. The place of our meeting. Please include all necessary information to reach there.

All correspondence after your ordering will be done by email. If you prefer different address from that you use in your ordering, please indicate it after the item 5.

When one week passed without any response, please ask us following the instruction below.
When we cannot respond for long period, it will be announced in the homepage.

Your inquiry:

Any question about the homepage or the ordering process is welcome to the same address above. Please indicate the subject of your message as, INQ.

Please note that any technological inquiry by email cannot be accepted.